Tag: leak

  • Instagram had private contact data scraped

    Another week, another Facebook leak. This time an Instagram dataset with apparently scraped profile information was found online.

    A massive database containing contact information of millions of Instagram influencers, celebrities and brand accounts has been found online. The database, hosted by Amazon Web Services, was left exposed and without a password allowing anyone to look inside. At the time of writing, the database had over 49 million records — but was growing by […]

    Source: Millions of Instagram influencers had their private contact data scraped and exposed | TechCrunch

  • Salesforce outage.

    It appears Salesforce was shutting down its services May 17th 2019. Reason was a faulty configuration of scripting options, that allowed users to access to all their company’s Salesforce data. To prevent worse, Salesforce shut down.

    Salesforce said the script only impacted customers of Salesforce Pardot – a business-to-business (B2B) marketing-focused CRM.

    However, out of an abundance of caution, the company decided to take down all other Salesforce services, for both current and former Pardot customers.

    Source: Faulty database script brings Salesforce to its knees | ZDNet

  • Phones Open to Attack through WhatsApp Flaw

    Meanwhile, another flaw from the Facebook universe. While it appears it’s not immediately related to data leakage, it gives great potential to 3rd parties, though. On the upside, nobody will attribute it to Facebook this time.

    It’s a good opportunity to point out and recommend the alternatives to Whatsapp, in particular Signal and Threema.

    A WhatsApp vulnerability left Android and iOS devices open to attack from sophisticated surveillance software. The Facebook-owned company said it hasn’t yet been able to determine how many people were impacted, and told users to ensure they’re running the latest version of the app.

    Source: WhatsApp Flaw Left Phones Open to Attack From Sophisticated Spyware | Digital Trends

  • #Hackerangriffe


    Weil es gerade in allen Medien heiss diskutiert wird: ein paar kleine Tips, wie man den schlimmsten Problemen im Internet ein bisschen vorbeugen kann und potentiellen Schaden vorbeugend eingrenzen kann. Wikipedia zu den Vorfällen dazu.

    PC und Telefon
    Alle System-Updates Zeitnah installieren
    Privatsphäre-Optionen auf allen Geräten nutzen
    Berechtigungen von Apps auf Telefonen und Tablets stark beschränken (Kontakte, Kamera, Location, Mikrofon etc.)…

    HTML-email ausmachen, externe Inhalte von e-mails nachladen ausmachen, Vorsicht bei email-Anhängen,
    Möglichst einen anderen eMail-Account zur Kommunikation verwenden, als den, der zur (Account-)Registrierung verwendet wird, wegen Passwort-Wiederherstellung.

    schwer zu ratende Passwörter verwenden & für jeden Dienst ein eigenes verwenden
    Wo möglich, 2-Factor-Authentication verwenden.

    Niemals Login-Daten preisgeben, auch nicht telefonisch
    Facebook-Account löschen, ausserdem:
    Niemals Login with Google/Facebook/Twitter etc. verwenden
    Location-Übermittlung überall ausmachen
    Telefonbuch-Sync für Social Media in keinem Moment erlauben
    Höchstprivate Daten besser löschen (Chatverlauf, Bilder)

    Festplatten-Verschlüsselung einschalten
    Für Chat-Kommunikation nur verschlüsselte Messenger verwenden, z.B. Signal oder Threema
    Für eMail: S/MIME oder GPG verschlüsseln…
    Backups verschlüsseln

    Bild von Nasir Khan, CC-BY-SA2.0

  • Uber: Privacy Issues

    A few days old already, Richard Gutjahr reported Uber has a privacy issue. Apparently, the now 404ed Lost and Found page listed not only lost items, but also usernames and contact details.

    via Richard Gutjahr.