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Tag: knowledge
Cloud Exit.
It may be I’m not blogging enough. There is an article on this blog where I was skeptical over the cloud and why companies would want to move there. Meanwhile, all the benefits have been proven by vendors, up to the point where the convenience became too expensive.
At that point, KPMG started offering “Cloud Exit Strategies“. Probably others. Consultancies will consult on everything they can sell to their clients, so this is a good indication for a market to start.
Now the latest to add to this trend is 37signals, that is leaving the cloud. Successful.
Mehr Projektmanagement Software
Während Collabtive, dotProject, ProjectHQ, ProjectPier und TaskJuggler hier schon einmal erwähnt worden sind, beschreibt Geoff Cain in seinem Blog-Artikel noch 2 weitere Open Source Project Management Tools:
Während Projectivity eine Java-Basierte Applikation ist, von der die entwickelnde Firma eine frei verfügbare “Community Edition” zum Download anbietet, ist Projectory offenbar komplett Community entwickelt, allerdings seit etwa 2004 auch nicht weiter entwickelt worden. Die Projekte stehen jeweils unter der GNU Public License. (more…)