Tag: k8s

  • appfleet joins Cloudflare

    appfleet is a Poland based company that develops and offers edge hosting of containerised apps. Edge computing is a trend that emerged a few years back and allows to bring applications closer to the end user, therefore reducing latency and improving user experience. Cloudflare, a player strong in this space, now acquired appfleet, augmenting it’s…

  • Open Policy Agent

    Thank you, Styra! daily, photo, 07.07.2020. late.

  • Release: Kubernetes 1.12

    Kubelet TLS Bootstrap and Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets (VMSS) Move to General Availability – Kubernetes Blog Author: The 1.12 Release TeamWe’re pleased to announce the delivery of Kubernetes 1.12, our third release of 2018!Today’s release continues to focus on internal improvements and graduating features to stable in Kubernetes. This newest version graduates key features…