Tag: java
#log4J Log4Shell RCE 0-day exploit
If you develop software in Java, you are probably affected. Log4J is a really popular package to deal with logging. In a nutshell, if an attacker manages to log a specific, crafted string, the library will load code from a random, remote host. Affected are all versions between 2.0 and 2.14.1. Given how ubiquitous this…
Introducing Amazon Corretto, a No-Cost Distribution of OpenJDK with Long-Term Support
Introducing Amazon Corretto, a No-Cost Distribution of OpenJDK with Long-Term Support | AWS Open Source Blog — Weiterlesen aws.amazon.com/de/blogs/opensource/amazon-corretto-no-cost-distribution-openjdk-long-term-support/
Spectrum 2015 Programming Languages
New languages enter the scene, and big data makes its mark Spoiler: basically, all is the same as past year, but R made a jump up by 4 positions and ranks 6th now. R is a statistical language, capable of munging huge amounts of data, hence the Big Data reference in the article. via: Spectrum
MapReduce for the Masses
Map/Reduce Tutorial von Steve Salevan: Zero to Hadoop in Five Minutes with Common Crawl
Amazon kündigt Elastic Beanstalk an
Mit Elastic Beanstalk hat Amazon AWS heute einen eine Erweiterung seines Angebots vorgestellt. Damit steigt AWS auch in die “Platform as a Service” (PaaS) Welt ein. http://aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/ bzw. http://aws.typepad.com/aws/2011/01/introducing-elastic-beanstalk.html Amazon Web Services bisherige Angebote stellen lediglich Infrastruktur on Demand zur Verfügung und verlangen dem Kunden selbst den Betrieb der eigentlichen Softwareplatform bzw. des Application-Stacks ab.…