Tag: ikea

  • Ikea Smart Light System Flaw

    Security related ‘news’ that have Zigbee based lighting systems as the subject of their research make me feel on Groundhog Day. They show up repeatedly, and their content is about exchangeable, along with the solution. Ladies and Gentlemen, this time it’s Ikea Trådfri that Synopsys found a flaw in. The flaw exploits malformed Zigbee frames.…

  • Ins rechte Licht gerückt

    Für den geneigten Nerd ist in diesem Zusammenhang Radiosity ein wichtiges Schlagwort. Für mich war es nur handwerkliche Betätigung. daily, photo, 05.12.2020.

  • Keine Weingläser

    Natürlich nicht. Es ist ja Freitag der 13. daily, photo, 13.11.2020. random. late.

  • IKEA Zoom

    A bit late, and the article is about a month old already. Nevertheless, it’s worthwhile mentioning IKEA offers backgrounds for Zoom (or any other videoconference supporting virtual backgrounds) Meetings in the digital age of COVID-19. With these, you can make yourself comfortable in nice and well styled IKEA room. They give you a choice of…

  • coworking, noch smarter

    Nicht vollkommen von der Hand zu weisen.

  • Sysyphonian, Infinite Ikea Instruction.

    Gregor Weichbrodt built a infinite IKEA instruction manual. The website of his BÆBEL Project is here.