Tag: goals

  • CRM Maßnahmen Zielsetzung

    Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Maßnahmen werden mit dem Ziel ergriffen, ein Abteilungsübergreifendes Verständnis von Kunden eines Unternehmens herzustellen. Um den Absatz zu optimieren, Angebote zu verbessern, Kundenloyalität zu steigern, einen Sinn für Kundenverantwortlichkeit in Führungsebenen herzustellen, bestehende Verträge zu sichern und Multichannel-kommunikation zu ermöglichen.

    Customer Relationship Management (CRM) - Der Kunde ist König
    Der Kunde ist König

    Für all diese Maßnahmen muss der Kunde im Mittelpunkt der Anforderungen stehen. In der Praxis sind nicht alle dieser Ziele gleichermaßen oder zum gleichen Zeitpunkt zu erreichen. Um Projekte realistisch auszugestalten und einen erfolgreichen Abschluss ohne Überforderung gewährleisten zu können, werden Maßnahmen-Kataloge häufig eingeschränkt oder auf Einzelprojekte verteilt.

    Um einen Projektfokus richtig zu setzen ist es Zweckdienlich, aus Erfahrung und Bestandsdaten abzuschätzen, welche Potentiale mit einem Customer Relationship Management Projekt gehoben werden können. Dazu können Überlegungen zu neuen, adressierbaren Kundensegmenten angestellt werden oder Kostensenkungen durch Automatisierungen erwogen werden. Neue Kommunikationskanäle bieten sich in Zeiten von Social Media an, ein verbesserte Kunden-Erfahrung zu ermöglichen.

  • Relative Importance In 2020

    This chart lays out the relative importance of certain things in our lives in 2020 from January to April. Some may shock you…haha

    via Accidental Fire

  • Doing the heavy lifting together

    Running products in large organisations is a challenging task. Sebastian Lindemann of Product Coalition shares a few thoughts on high impact team cooperation modes.

    How product teams can work together to maximize impact “Driving is easy if you are the only one the road“ … my driving instructor had many wise words to share. This one stuck with me as it is applies to so much more than driving a car.

    Source: Doing the heavy lifting together

  • When a Project dies

    When is a project dead?

    One question that somebody asked me a few days back keeps me thinking for a while now. Mostly, because it should not have a clear answer. Have you ever had to ask yourself, what to do when your heart-project is at risk to coHantelnme to an end? A project that just dies, has had some serious problems.  A dead-end, that leaves no next steps, along a final decision. In a way that no project goal materialized and no other milestone is reachable? If that is looming to happen, one should consider to check the project plan and answer a couple of questions about the failure. How did all the tasks and work packages depend on each other, that they made an entire project fail? Were some assumptions to optimistic? Was budget too tight? Was the project to ambitious?

    The show must go on

    KabelDepending on size, no project is barely ever dead. Typically, a project consists of multiple components. Milestones, Tasks, Work-Packages, are just common terms for break downs structures of a project. Such fragments, re-used or re-arranged, can help achieving a modified goal. There are reasons, one or another milestone had difficulties. There are hard facts, like budgets, technical dependencies or necessities, required skills, availability of material or combinations of anything. And there are soft facts, like project team engagement, stakeholder opinion, even hubris may result in milestones not being reached.


    A roadblock, identified early enough, allows to realign a project plan, to cope with any trouble, endangering tasks and milestones. In an iterative project approach, the project lead can change a goal, aligning with changing requirements. This way, the project may not reach it’s initially intended goal, but it will not fail in its totality. When a project dies, it will leave bad feelings with the budget owner, with stakeholder and the team. A goal that the team reached, maybe through a more creative approach, will still be a goal reached.