Yes. eMail is still a favourite topic of mine. Years later, it’s still the one single medium, that allows communicating across organisational boundaries. It’s still the one medium that allows to reach out to random people, e.g. for marketing. Despite the difficulties GDPR introduced for marketeers in 2018, driving a lot of marketing to proprietary, US-American platforms. Inside corporate, it’s still the one single medium that allows to make sure your manager is informed with communication between otherwise colleagues. (About the good climate, obviously.)
evidence. -
‘We’ve created a privacy industry’
‘We’ve created a privacy industry’ was a statement you could often hear when Europe introduced General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and the German implementation DatenSchutz GrundVerOrdnung (DSGVO). Already back in 2016 first predictions arrived, that GDPR will boost European software industry and give them a unique selling point. After the regulation became effective in Europe May 25th 2018(!), after a 2 years transition period, perceived only complaints happened. Affected data controllers and processors cited the difficulties implementing these regulations. A BitKom funded survey even indicates the regulation is hurting the European market.
Panel on Internet Security and Privacy Now, around 1.5years later, the industry seems to have settled on the regulation and business continues as usual. Subjectively perceived, privacy is indeed still an obstacle to decision makers in the market. Even politicians keep on imploring data to be the new oil, demanding a data driven economy and to weakend the underlying ideas of european data protection acts. Meanwhile, the opportunity has moved along. Californian Start-Ups discovered this niche and turn privacy it into value:
Privacy-focused technology companies are offering a variety of services, from personal data scrubbing to business-focused software meant to help companies comply with the law.
Source: ‘We’ve created a privacy industry’: California law fuels wave of startups
DSGVO-Verstoß: 1&1 muss knapp 10 Millionen Euro Strafe zahlen
Firmensitz 1&1 in Montabaur Der Bundesdatenschutzbeauftragte Ulrich Kelber hat gegen die Telekommunikationsfirma 1&1 ein Bußgeld in Höhe von 9,55 Millionen Euro verhängt.
Source: DSGVO-Verstoß: 1&1 muss knapp 10 Millionen Euro Strafe zahlen | heise online
Why Do Companies Need All That Personal Data They’re Collecting?
It’s the Tech perspective, but has the potential for a good debate. Under GDPR it’s not even compliant and still plenty of companies collect all data they can get hold of. Driven by Big Data vendors telling the narrative of Data Lakes, that only require you the data today, should you want to ask any question you don’t know yet in the future.
Only – have you ever come up with a question that you could not answer based on the data that is already available? Based on data that you collected in a Data Lake?
Big disclaimer: personally I don’t conclude with the assumptions made in the initial article, but the question is worth thinking about. In particular because most organizations I met until today are not metric driven in first place.
Source: Ask Slashdot: Why Do Companies Need All That Personal Data They’re Collecting? – Slashdot