Tag: Fortune

  • Google Claims ‘Quantum Supremacy’

    Google announced they built a 53 qubit quantum computer. A usecase Quantum computers are popular for is factorizing products of large prime numbers, making them interesting in the field of Cryptography. With 53 qubits, Google increased the possible performance by a factor via fortune.com

  • MSFT and AMZN dominate the cloud.

    Fortune has an article on how Amazon Web Service and Microsoft dominate the cloud market. No surprise there, though. Also, that Google comes in third is no huge surprise. http://fortune.com/2016/08/04/amazon-microsoft-cloud-race/

  • MBA KW 7/2011

    Meldungen zu dem Thema gab es diese Woche wenige, nichtsdestotrotz hier die wichtigsten: MBA Newsletter von “Business Insider”: “Instant MBA”. Anmeldung hier möglich http://www.businessinsider.com/learn-from-the-masters-subscribe-to-instant-mba-newsletter-2011-2 Fortune hat Ratschläge für MBA Absolventen, die in Venture Capital Firmen arbeiten möchten: http://finance.fortune.cnn.com/2011/02/10/so-youre-an-mba-candidate-who-wants-to-work-in-venture-capital/ Bereits vor einigen Woche wurde in diversen Blogs über den Facebook MBA berichtet. Diese Woche war bei…