Tag: Facebook

  • Off Facebook Activity

    Off Facebook Activity is a tool, that let’s Facebook users see which sites they used outside of Facebook. The tool is as creepy as you would think it would be. Facebook, through it’s like buttons and other embeds, has sheer unlimited insight into personal browsing behaviour.

    Facebook Company Logo
    Facebook Company Logo / Wordmark

    In an attempt by the company to create more transparency, it discloses how much curiosity in a negative sense is driving the social network in trying to understand their audience. And actually sell this gained knowledge to their customers.

    The release of Off Facebook Activity a reminder we are living in an increasingly connected world that is watching us. There is entirely no point for any company to collect this type of data outsire of making us a product.

    The Washington Post writes about how creepy and scary this feature is, and even more important, how to work with privacy settings. While the article deals with Facebook internal settings alone, the amout of data transferred to Facebook won’t stop. At this point, you may want to consider personal privacy tools like uMatrix (for Firefox or Chrome). Or, to leverage protection for the entire network, e.g. for your family, Pi-Hole is worth taking a look, too.

    via: Washington Post

  • Kampf gegen Facebook: Rückenwind für Schrems vor EuGH

    Schon seit den Snowden Leaks setzt Max Schrems sich gegen Facebook und für Datenschutz in Europa ein. Noch am 19.12.2019 hat das EuGH in seinem Sinn entschieden, schreibt der Österreichische Rundfunk:

    Am Donnerstag errang er [Max Schrems] einen Etappenerfolg: Der Generalanwalt des Europäischen Gerichtshofs (EuGH) empfahl dem Gericht, bei einigen Grundsatzfragen zum Datenaustausch zwischen den USA und EU in Schrems’ Sinne zu entscheiden.


    Source: Kampf gegen Facebook: Rückenwind für Schrems vor EuGH – news.ORF.at

  • Facebook Data Leak

    Just in time for Xmas, Facebook dropped a huge package of user data.

    Mark Zuckerberg
    Mark Zuckerberg

    More than 260 million U.S. Facebook users’ IDs, phone numbers, and names were exposed to an online database that could potentially be used for spam and phishing campaigns. Comparitech reports that before the database was taken down, it was found on a hacker forum as a downloadable file.

    Source: Facebook Faces Another Huge Data Leak Affecting 267 Million Users | Digital Trends

  • Facebook News Tab Aims to ‘Strengthen Democracy’ 

    “What could go wrong?” is exactly the right question one would ask over the feature Facebook announced. Facebook has been facing criticism not only recently over enabling filter bubbles and fueling extremist echo chambers. “Strengthen Democracy” is a clear attempt to whitewash from accusations to actually hurt the same. Digital Trends has more details.

    Facebook News Tab

    Facebook is launching a dedicated news tab amid growing criticism for the social network. Facebook News uses articles from a list of publishers meeting a set of standards and includes a section curated by journalists. But is that enough for a platform criticized for fake news?

    Source: Digital Trends

  • Social Media Suchtmechanismen

    Dass Likes und Shares und Herzchen eine Belohnung für das Unterbewusst darstellen hat man mittlerweile schon häufiger gehört. Man kann sogar lernen, wie man Produkte designen kann, um solches Verhalten zu triggern. Im Ergebnis davon steigern Produkt-Owner die Metrik “Customer Engagement” um den Preis, dass Jugendliche wie Abhängige vor Ihren Mobiltelefonen hängen um mehr Herzchen oder Schlumpfbeeren zu bekommen.

    Arte strahlt gerade eine Miniserie darüber aus, wie diese Silicon Valley Apps süchtig machendes Verhalten für Ihre Zwecke nutzen und zufällige, kleine Belohnungen an Ihre Benutzer ausgeben. Die Serie nennt sich Dopamin, und ist damit nach dem Hormon benannt, das dafür sorgt, dass wir immer mehr wollen. Die 8 Folgen widmen sich 8 verschiedenen Apps und sind jeweils 8 Minuten lang:

    via T3n

  • What Gizmodo ‘Knows’ About Facebook

    What Gizmodo ‘Knows’ About Facebook

    This Friday, Gizmodo accused Facebook of suppressing stories they published on their platform. The evidence is based on staff observations, including Family and Friends. All together, the allegations don’t appear to be very reliable, yet imaginable. Facebook acts weird all too often, and in this case Gizmodo claims the case was about news over Mark Zuckerberg, the companies CEO.

    Mark Zuckerberg

    On Friday, Gizmodo uncovered shocking new evidence that Facebook is using its platform to suppress stories about CEO Mark Zuckerberg… or maybe his janky, busted-ass website is just bugging out again for no reason. It’s hard to say, really. That’s sort of the problem.

    Gizmodo, Friday Oct. 4, 2019

    Unrelated to these new findings, Facebook has plenty of other issues, that should make them a company not to work with. The incident, and the pure possibility such a case of influence is possible, is another indicator to why society develops fear over Big Tech. The answer once more may be another call to , however, as long as Facebook has the reach and the attention, this won’t change.

    Source: What We ‘Know’ About Facebook

  • Facebook lost phone numbers

    Again, it’s Facebook, that made news with a data breach. TechCrunch reported first about midnight Euroean time, but it’s all over the news by today, noon. It’s time to realize social media is a mistake.

  • #FashionID

    Heute hat der Europäische Gerichtshof in einem Fall von FashionID, des Onlineshop des Modehändlers Peek & Cloppenburg, ein Urteil gesprochen. Es geht darin darum, wie mit der Weitergabe von Benutzerdaten bei der Verwendung von 3rd Party Content umgegangen werden muss. Dass der Einsatz von beispielsweise Facebook Like Buttons

    Unter anderem versucht die Tagesschau aufzuklären. Weil das Urteil durch den EuGH ergangen ist und daher Konsequenzen über Deutschland hinaus haben wird, berichten auch internationale News wie Techcrunch und Yahoo(Reuters).

    Simon Assion von #twobirds, Twitter-aktiver Rechtsanwalt, fasst eben dort einige Stichpunkte zu dem Urteil in einem Thread zusammen.

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  • Instagram had private contact data scraped

    Another week, another Facebook leak. This time an Instagram dataset with apparently scraped profile information was found online.

    A massive database containing contact information of millions of Instagram influencers, celebrities and brand accounts has been found online. The database, hosted by Amazon Web Services, was left exposed and without a password allowing anyone to look inside. At the time of writing, the database had over 49 million records — but was growing by […]

    Source: Millions of Instagram influencers had their private contact data scraped and exposed | TechCrunch