Tag: email

  • Magic Email

    Magic Email

    It’s not like email has been a perfect solution ever, to start with. In fact, email has been broken for most of its existence. Imagine all the rules and filters you need to stay on top of your inbox. When Internet became popular, soon spam became popular.

    Email lists were usable only before eternal September began. Just the other day somebody at my employer responded to an email list that has thousands of subscribers. And so did everybody else.

    Not to mention those emails that come with a good intention and make it past all filters into your inbox. Those typically span many pages and make you feel guilty for not reading because you’re busy.

    Admit it, email is broken.

    With the advent of new technology, there are new solutions. Magic Email, as announced by Producthunt in it’s weekly newsletter, is something that I’m totally not sure whether it’s an improvement or total troll. Built on GPT-3, that created some bus on the Internet recently, Magic Email allows you to do two things:

    a) It will summarize long emails for you. That actually seems to be a good idea for those emails you just couldn’t get around to reading full detail. At least it will tell you whether it’s worth it to invest more time and go into the details buried in long prose.

    b) The much more interesting feature it is, that magic email can write text for you. You just give it a bunch of keywords a simple statement and it will extend to a long email. This is exactly that part that makes me wonder whether the product is meant as a troll. Imagine all those guys responding to an email list. Instead of replying “please unsubscribe me”, GPT-3 will write an exhaustive email basically saying the same. The same level of detail will pull much more of your time. Unless you have Magic Email installed yourself of course.

    Nevertheless, the product is amazing.

    Magic Email is your AI-powered email assistant that summarizes your emails and generates professional emails from brief one-line descriptions. Get through all of your emails 5x faster so you can free up more time for your important work.

    From Producthunt

    Source: Magic Email – Summarize and generate emails using GPT-3 in one click | Product Hunt

  • Can you re-send?

    Heute morgen hat mich schon eine Nachricht erreicht, ich möchte bitte ein Dokument erneut übermitteln. Natürlich als Antwort auf meine Mail, die ein Attachment enthielt. Aber der Sender lieferte mir die Antwort sofort mit:

    Ein Backup-Restore hat nicht funktioniert, sein e-Mail Client habe das Attachment verloren.

    Selbstverständlich werde ich meine eMail meinem Gesprächspartner noch einmal zukommen lassen. Aber es ist für den Start ins neue Jahr einmal wieder eine kleine Erinnerung daran, was mit eMail falsch ist und warum Cloud-Colaborationslösungen zunehmend beliebter werden.

  • 49 suspected members of cybercriminal group arrested in Europe

    Don’t really want to have a category called “cyber”, but some of the headlines ask for it. The arrested persons are suspected of committing financial fraud through email scamming. That qualifies as “cyber”.

    via: 49 suspected members of cybercriminal group arrested in Europe

  • Produktivität.

    In manchen, gerade konservativeren Kreisen wird EDV auch als “Ende der Vernunft” interpretiert. Und wer mit gängiger, gerne auch Cloud-basierter, Office Software arbeitet, kann sofort nachvollziehen, warum die Produktivität sich durch den Einsatz von Computern nicht steigern ließ. Vermutlich ist das aber alles auf die Existenz von Email zurückzuführen.

    Ganz so, als habe die EDV-Einführung und die Anschaffung von PCs seit den frühen 80er-Jahren die Anwender nicht vorangebracht, sondern gebremst.

    Quelle: Produktivität – Bahnbrechende Innovationen bleiben aus – Wirtschaft – Süddeutsche.de

  • Kommunikation: Warum die E-Mail einfach nicht sterben will

    Email soll endlich sterben. Tut Sie aber nicht. Sogar Facebook, Twitter und Instagram (und nicht nur die!) weisen darauf hin, was so los ist.

    Quelle: Kommunikation: Warum die E-Mail einfach nicht sterben will – SPIEGEL ONLINE

  • The issue with Crypto.

    Encrypted email is still not popular, because this is so embarrassing:


  • eMail. Still.

    Year 2015. Still eMail is the predominant means of communication. Everybody hates it, most companies make an effort to ban it. Atos wanted to go email free, Telekom shuts off their servers, Daimler even deletes email for people on vacation. Even I receive emails, saying “I need this, but I cannot answer”, quoting the “email free day policy”. Despite all effort, nobody succeeds.

    Why? Unclear. While I think email should be banned myself, I have difficulties offering a better option. But I develop a feeling for why this is happening. This morning somebody mentioned he’ll be posting into a slack.com channel. That company claims to simplify communication, make teamwork less painful and busy, all searchable. As if nobody else tried that. And even if slack.com does a good job in what they aim for, they are just another solution.

    In my personal, active use are trello.com, Pocket, Salesforce chatter. While my company introduces a community, colleagues swear on private Facebook groups or WhatsApp for simplified communication. Not to mention the tools customers and businesspartners are using. Popular among these are Jive, Atlassian Jira, SAP Jam, but not limited, I’ve seen self hosted communities, bug trackers and ticketing tools.

    It’s difficult to keep track of all these tools. But they all send notifications through email.

    Which tool do you use to communicate?

  • Betreff: E-Mail


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