Tag: edge

  • appfleet joins Cloudflare

    appfleet is a Poland based company that develops and offers edge hosting of containerised apps. Edge computing is a trend that emerged a few years back and allows to bring applications closer to the end user, therefore reducing latency and improving user experience. Cloudflare, a player strong in this space, now acquired appfleet, augmenting it’s…

  • Multiplayer Doom on Cloudflare Workers

    “Does it run Doom?” is the ultimate nerd test for technology. CloudFlare passed today running multiplayer Doom on their edge worker network: So, if a developer wants to run their next hit, say a real-time multiplayer game, using nothing but their app and Workers, without any servers or traditional infrastructure, can they? Let’s prove they…

  • AWS announces CloudFront Functions

    AWS announced general availability of “CloudFront Functions“. The product allows deploying lightweight functions on the edge of CloudFront’s CDN deployment, bringing logic close to the end user. After CloudFlare initiated a trend with their Workers, AWS is the third major cloud player to enter the space with this offering. The purpose of such an architecture…

  • CloudFront and Lambda at the Edge

    AWS OfficeHours with Woodrow Arrington and David Brown, both Senior Product Managers on the AWS CloudFront Team. They discuss the benefits of CDN technology and use-cases of Lambda@Edge. The video touches security related considerations.

  • Amazon CloudFront Edge Locations

    Amazon CloudFront Edge Locations: AWS’ Amazon CloudFront launches 5 new CloudFront Edge Locations. These are located in Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Kenya, and Romania. AWS CloudFront is a Content Delivery Network and helps webpages to distribute their content globally. To achieve this, CDN’s leverage managed reverse proxy servers. The goal is to bring content closer to…

  • Edge vs. Chrome: A new Browser War

    The new Edge browser, built on the same open source code as Google Chrome, contains a new Tracking Prevention feature that blocks third-party trackers and, at the Strict setting, many ads. My tests show that one in four items blocked are from Google. Source: Edge vs. Chrome: Microsoft’s Tracking Prevention hits Google the hardest

  • AWS: New edge locations in Osaka, Japan and Milan, Italy

    Aus dem EMail-Announcement: We’re excited to announce the launch of new edge locations in Osaka, Japan and Milan, Italy to serve Amazon CloudFront and Amazon Route 53. With the launches in Osaka and Milan, our first edge location in Italy, Amazon CloudFront and Amazon Route 53 now have a total of 26 edge locations worldwide.…