Tag: dystopia

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    Dystopia, aber als leuchtende Werbung.

  • Facebook allows war posts urging violence against Russian invaders

    Seeing Meta’s Instagram and Facebook platforms to allow users in some countries to call for violence against Russians and Russian soldiers in the context of the Ukraine invasion is one of the most dystopian news of the past months. The company has been criticised for fueling hatred and hate speech, even with previous policies. #deletefacebook…

  • Protect your images from abuse by KI

    From the “Daily Dystopia Department”: Protect your images from abuse by KI. Headlines that’d be absolutely unthinkable only a decade ago don’t seem to be shocking in the year of the pandemic, 2021.

  • Tech’s strangest jobs of the future, recruited for today

    Tech’s strangest job listings: Straight from the “daily workplace automation destruction” protocol.com reports the future of job descriptions, as indicated by job postings today. Glimpsing the future in eye-opening tech job listings. The article found quite a few interesting job profiles that companies apparently look for today already: Facebook: People Research Scientist, Leadership Joby Aviation:…

  • Automatisierte Gesichtserkennung: Warum die Technik gefährlich ist.

    Automatisierte Gesichtserkennung: diese Woche is eine Recherche zu dem US Unternehmen Clearview durch die Medien gereicht worden. Die Artikel haben jeweils viel Aufmerksamkeit auf sich gezogen. Gesichtserkennung ist das Feature, das man bereits von Fotoverarbeitungsprogrammen, Handys und sogar Sozialen Medien kennt. Für die meisten Nutzer dieser Programme oder Dienste ist das meist ein lustiges, manchmal…

  • People recognition

    Only days after Clearview hit the news, The Economist runs an article on how the Combating Terrorism Technical Support Office (CTTSO), an agency of the US defence department, has developed another dystopian tool to identify people by their heartbeat.

  • This week in dystopia.

    This week in dystopia: The New York Times has an article about the next steps in dystopian future. A start-up evolving face recognition algorithms, fed by a database with facial images, scraped from the open web. A little-known start-up helps law enforcement match photos of unknown people to their online images — and “might lead…

  • Amazon could write books.

    Today in dystopian news: Amazon, the book selling department, controlling about 40% of the US book market, collects reading habbits from their sales and Kindle. By now the corporation knows enough about it’s customers it could be generating best selling books. Spookey. And potentially game changing, when machines replace creative professions. Amazon has the ability…