Tag: covid19

COVID-19, the abbreviation for “coronavirus disease 2019″. The infectious disease is caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).[9] The disease was first identified in December 2019 in Wuhan, China, and has since spread globally, resulting in the 2020 pandemic. 

  • Contact tracing.

    Health Officials Say ‘No Thanks’ to Contact-Tracing Tech“, titles Wired. In all these recent debates about how to handle Covid-19 going forward, in particular in Germany, it may be worthwhile looking beyond borders.

    Later last month, Engadget reported, that Israel stops phone tracing to enforce Corona quaranties. While Israel seemed to look at phone location information, the Wired article suggests multiple US states and cities evaluated the benefit of other contact tracing technology. The result seems to disappoint:

    States like New York, California, and Massachusetts, and cities like Baltimore and San Francisco, have looked carefully at cutting-edge contact-tracing solutions and largely said, “No thanks,” or “Not now.”

    via wired.

    Foreign perspective is an interesting one, too. Foreign Policy titles “Germany’s Angst Is Killing Its Coronavirus Tracing App“. Which, after all, may be the exact outcome.


  • Bike Sharing – 26.04.2020

    bike sharing

    Mobility Woche hier im Blog. Wo überall Sharing Bikes so rumstehen. Nachdem die Mobilitätsbranche in Deutschland in allen Ihren Ausprägungen stillsteht, stehen auch die Fahrräder in der Gegend rum. Noch mehr als vor COVID-19.

    daily photolateCorona, 26.04.2020

  • Thank god for the nerds

    Kann man so festhalten.

  • 089 in der Krise

    Daily, 13.03.2020