Tag: computing

  • W3C Sustainability Guidelines

    W3C Sustainability Guidelines

    Mit Datum vom 11. April ist das alles noch recht neu. Aber ein weiteres Zeichen dafür, dass Green- bzw. Sustainable Computing an Aufmerksamkeit gewinnt. Jedenfalls hat die W3C Community Group einen Draft Report entwickelt, der eine Guideline für Web Development bieten soll. Gegenüber dem Artikel aus dem W3C Blog, den ich neulich verlinkt habe, bespricht…

  • W3C Sustainable Design

    W3C has patterns for sustainable web design. Sustainable Webdesign.

  • We need to decarbonise software.

    Dass die Zeit der unendlichen Resourcen vorbei ist, scheint sich auch langsam in der Softwarebranche herumzusprechen. IEEE Spectrum schreibt in einem Artikel der aktuellen Ausgabe von einem “Green Software Movement”, das es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht hat, bestehende Code-Bases hinsichtlich Carbon-Footprint zu optimieren. Und tatsächlich gibt es auch drüben in LinkedIn und Crunchbase schon vereinzelt…

  • Multiplayer Doom on Cloudflare Workers

    “Does it run Doom?” is the ultimate nerd test for technology. CloudFlare passed today running multiplayer Doom on their edge worker network: So, if a developer wants to run their next hit, say a real-time multiplayer game, using nothing but their app and Workers, without any servers or traditional infrastructure, can they? Let’s prove they…

  • Nvidia to buy ARM for $40B

    nVidia has a blog post over the proceeding. Of course, not only for the sheer size of the deal at $40B, not only techcrunch but also The Verge report on how Nvidia is acquiring Arm for $40 billion. The impact and consequence of the deal is suspected to be huge. ARM’s market share in mobile…

  • CloudFront and Lambda at the Edge

    AWS OfficeHours with Woodrow Arrington and David Brown, both Senior Product Managers on the AWS CloudFront Team. They discuss the benefits of CDN technology and use-cases of Lambda@Edge. The video touches security related considerations.

  • Amazon CloudFront Edge Locations

    Amazon CloudFront Edge Locations: AWS’ Amazon CloudFront launches 5 new CloudFront Edge Locations. These are located in Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Kenya, and Romania. AWS CloudFront is a Content Delivery Network and helps webpages to distribute their content globally. To achieve this, CDN’s leverage managed reverse proxy servers. The goal is to bring content closer to…

  • Should Companies Do Most of Their Computing in the Cloud?

    Recommendation: Bruce Schneier on Cloud(1) Computing(2).

  • IEEE Cloud Computing Magazine Seeks Editor in Chief

    IEEE Computer Society and IEEE Communications Society seek applicants for the position of inaugural editor in chief.

  • IEEE Cloud Computing

    IEEE Cloud Computing

    Cloud Computing Community Activities – IEEE Cloud Computing.