The C64 was the most popular home computer of all time. Imagine the success it could possibly have had with Apple‘s marketing department. @gregnacu on twitter had a vision.
The C64 was the most popular home computer of all time. Imagine the success it could possibly have had with Apple‘s marketing department. @gregnacu on twitter had a vision.
Ein bisschen staubig, aber noch in gutem Zustand. Nur Ihrem Namen wegen tue ich meiner ersten tatsächlichen Liebe ein wenig Unrecht. Es gab schon lange vorher einen Commodore C64 in meinem Leben, den ich gefühlt viel besser kannte als die Amiga. Leider ist mir von dem Gerät keins mehr erhalten geblieben, aber immer wieder denke ich einmal daran, bei eBay einen Ersatz zu holen. Aber wahrscheinlich ist das Gefühl einfach nicht zu ersetzen.
daily, photo, 07.11.2020. random. late.
In memoriam of Chuck Peddle: Many of us will have started with a C64, that was powered by the 6502 Processor. The device became the most popular home computer, mainly because it was self contained: at the same time it hat all functionality a computer needed, and was still simple enough for everyone to understand.
In it’s popularity, the same 6502 Processor that was sold between 12.5 – 17 million times in shape of a C64 (according to pagetable.org) during it’s lifetime was also used in many other devices, including the Apple I, the similarly popular Atari 2600 gaming console, or much later, the Tamagotchi digital pet.
The processor contributed to the transformation of a a whole generation with these devices and became so popular, that even today, creative computer users leverages these devices to produce ‘demos’, that rely on this processor. Until today, in particular the demoscene still produces for computers with this processor, most noteworthy the C64. (again).
In other noteworthy sources, the 6502 has been completely simulated, and among others is available as a visual representation. Visual 6502 allows you to watch and see all of the devices internals, while they are working. The website gives you javascript visual insight into microchip operations, the possibility to play around, stop and step through individual instructions. If you are into this, it gives you the opportunity to understand computing from ground up, without having to tinker with electronics, in your browser.
One of two chip designers, Charles ‘Chuck’ Peddle reportedly passed away this week. Thank you for the great work and rest in peace.
Source: Chuck Peddle 6502 In Memoriam via Slashdot.