Tag: collaboration

  • DataRobot announces Zepl acquisition

    Zepl offers a data science and big data platform. The company was founded in 2014 to build a Jupyter like experience, with added collaboration capabilities. Today TechCrunch reports it’s acquisition by Boston-based DataRobot.

    DataRobot, the Boston-based automated machine learning startup, had a bushel of announcements this morning as it expanded its platform to give technical and nontechnical users alike something new. It also announced it has acquired Zepl, giving it an advanced development environment where data scientists can bring their own code to DataRobot. The two companies did […]

    Source: DataRobot expands platform and announces Zepl acquisition | TechCrunch

  • Doing the heavy lifting together

    Running products in large organisations is a challenging task. Sebastian Lindemann of Product Coalition shares a few thoughts on high impact team cooperation modes.

    How product teams can work together to maximize impact “Driving is easy if you are the only one the road“ … my driving instructor had many wise words to share. This one stuck with me as it is applies to so much more than driving a car.

    Source: Doing the heavy lifting together

  • Can you re-send?

    Heute morgen hat mich schon eine Nachricht erreicht, ich möchte bitte ein Dokument erneut übermitteln. Natürlich als Antwort auf meine Mail, die ein Attachment enthielt. Aber der Sender lieferte mir die Antwort sofort mit:

    Ein Backup-Restore hat nicht funktioniert, sein e-Mail Client habe das Attachment verloren.

    Selbstverständlich werde ich meine eMail meinem Gesprächspartner noch einmal zukommen lassen. Aber es ist für den Start ins neue Jahr einmal wieder eine kleine Erinnerung daran, was mit eMail falsch ist und warum Cloud-Colaborationslösungen zunehmend beliebter werden.