Tag: code

  • NetBSD verbietet Code aus AI

    Code generated by a large language model or similar technology, such as GitHub/Microsoft’s Copilot, OpenAI’s ChatGPT, or Facebook/Meta’s Code Llama, is presumed to be tainted code, and must not be committed without prior written approval by core. Source: NetBSD Commit Guidelines Nach Gentoo hat NetBSD AI generierten Code verboten. Jedenfalls braucht es Core approval, sollte…

  • The handover.

    Yes. Just like this. Every time.

  • Kyma Thursday

    PSA: It`s Kyma Thursday today. daily photo, late, Corona, 27.04.2020

  • Github acquires Semmle

    Github acquired Semmle, a service to scan code for vulnerabilities with a semantic code analysis engine. According to The Next Web, no financial details have been disclosed. Github Blog”Welcoming Semmle to Github“ The acquisition happened only one day after Github became a CVE Numbering Authority (CNA)

  • The Dropbox journey to static type checking with Python

    Type Annotation is a feature that allows Python to maintain it’s dynamic typing and enable option static typing in the same code base. With the arrival of Python 3.5, the language implemented PEP 484, that describes a syntax to annotate code with type hints. Dropbox took a journey to leverage this option on 4 million…

  • Demo-Scene proposed as part of UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage

    The Demoscene, which is born at the heart of the home computer revolution, has been showing how skills and creativity can be stimulated and implemented in a dynamic cultural practice adopted to digital contexts. Many of its techniques and mindsets became core techniques and influences of the digital change, and are still vibrant today.

  • Infocom text adventure classics

    Not actually brand new, but given all of these are 30+ years old, it’s still worth mentioning that all Infocom Text Adventures are on Github now! Yes, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and Zork are both included. Source: You can now download the source code for all Infocom text adventure classics | Ars Technica

  • The Ancient Code

    It’s true. Never touch the ancient code. The elder know. Visit the post for more. Source: The Ancient Code – Light Roast Comics

  • Digitalisierung – Die den Code der Welt von morgen schreiben

    Welche Verantwortung tragen Softwareentwickler für die gesellschaftlichen Veränderungen, die sie vorantreiben? Die Antwort ist komplexer, als es der Mythos vom Programmierer als Rockstar erscheinen lässt. Auch die Süddeutsche greift das Thema der moralischen Verantwortung von Programmierern auf. Teil des Problems ist, dass die Profession – der Wahrnehmung des Authors nach jedenfalls – als rein technische…

  • Everybody should code.

    Just read a blog that made quite an argument against the education of coding. The core argument cited Henry Ford with hist famous saying, if he had listened to his customers, he should have built a faster horse. The derivation in this argument is, that with everybody able to code we, as an economy, are…