Tag: cdn

  • Fastly Global CDN Disruption

    Fastly is one of the major CDN vendors globally. As a regular consumer you wouldn’t be aware of their service, until a failure hits. Today the service faced a configuration issue, that apparently hit global pages like NYTimes and Bloomberg, but also Amazon, Reddit and Twitter, as reported in multiple sources. The issue is reported resolved by the vendor as of this writing. Details on their status page:

    Fastly’s Status Page – Global CDN Disruption.

    Source: Fastly Status – Global CDN Disruption

  • AWS announces CloudFront Functions

    AWS Logo
    AWS Logo

    AWS announced general availability of “CloudFront Functions“. The product allows deploying lightweight functions on the edge of CloudFront’s CDN deployment, bringing logic close to the end user. After CloudFlare initiated a trend with their Workers, AWS is the third major cloud player to enter the space with this offering.

    The purpose of such an architecture is to bring specific logic closer to the consumer, therefore delivering richer, more personalized content with lower latency. With a distribution across 225+ CloudFront edge locations in 90 cities across 47 countries the promise is huge.

    To get developers kickstarted, AWS published a Github repo with examples. As one would expect, these are primarily revolving around http header manipulation and authentication. CloudFront Functions runs JavaScript.

  • CloudFront and Lambda at the Edge

    AWS OfficeHours with Woodrow Arrington and David Brown, both Senior Product Managers on the AWS CloudFront Team. They discuss the benefits of CDN technology and use-cases of Lambda@Edge. The video touches security related considerations.

  • AWS CloudFront Monitoring Update

    AWS CloudFront Monitoring Update: AWS released an early & small Christmas Gift to their CloudFront Customers. CloudFront now supports eight more metrics to monitor content distribution. These include:

    Cache Hit Rate via HTTP POST and PUT requests, via the percentage of all cacheable requests for which CloudFront served the content from its cache, including errors not considered cacheable requests.

    Origin Latency as a quota and the total time spent for requests that are served from the origin, not the CloudFront cache. Origin Latency allows to monitor the performance of your origin server.

    Error Rate by status code as a percentage of requests for which the response’s HTTP status code is in the 4/5xx range, in particular 401, 403, 404, 502, 503, and 504.

    AWS CloudFront Monitoring Update via AWS Blog.

  • AWS CloudFront announces 3 new features

    Per Newsletter hat AWS heute morgen folgenden neuen Features angekündigt:

    1. Cookie Support: Personalisierter Content kann am sofort auch per Cookie identifiziert werden. Zweck dieses Features ist es, flexibler mit Origin-Anwendungen zu interagieren.
    2. CloudFront bietet jetzt auch “Preisklassen” an, die entsprechend den Kunden- und Zielgruppenanforderungen auch billiger sein können. So lässt sich ein Mapping einstellen, das ausschließlich Server in Europa und den USA heranzieht. Das erlaubt zwar Traffic billiger abzuwickeln, hat aber Performance-Nachteile für z.B. End-Kunden in Asien.
    3. Debug-Information: mittels eines Response Headers “X-Amz-Cf-Id” werden Informationen hinsichtlich des Requests ausgeliefert. Dieser Header beinhaltet eine verschlüsselte ID, die es dem Support-Personal bei AWS erlaubt, Probleme einfacher zu erkennen und zu beheben.

    Details in aws.typepad.com

  • Performance: CDN Support

    Für bessere Verfügbarkeit und Performance läuft das meisste von diesem Blog jetzt auf einem CDN