Tag: blog

  • AI rant

    mataroa.blog is ranting about everything that is wrong with AI today. The article clusters into five major arguments: the believe in how LLMs will realise efficiencies, the need to remain competitive, previous successes, preparation for the future, and finally everybody else. All nicely summarised and on point.

  • Auth0: Log in to BTP with your social accounts.

    The recent acquisition of Okta (Auth0) caught my attention. Until last week, I didn’t know Auth0 beyond the libraries they provide for JWT. Upon further investigation, I was pleasantly surprised to discover that they are a company that was born in Argentina in 2013 and that their founders are passionate developers (When was the last…

  • Building a SaaS

    Building a product is always for a customer. Developing with this fact in mind helps developers turn their love for technology into more relevant results. Jake Levirne explains the approach for very technical products at Digital Ocean in a small series of videos. Digital Ocean Blog.

  • Every Video Call Ever

    Since COVID-19 let’s us work from home, we all made our experiences with Videoconferences. The tools make it possible to work from home, yet some still have to get used to the new freedom. We all know the feeling in these conferences, with colleagues listening or not, playing with their pets, kids or Zoom Backgrounds.…

  • Schneier on Corona Tracing

    Bruce Schneier, well known cryptologist and security researcher, has a few thoughts on corona tracing apps on his blog. Spoiler: he doesn’t like the idea. His article is revolving around efficiency much more than privacy, concluding that such apps won’t work in the first place.

  • Get started with Kubernetes (using Python)

    Jason Haley wrote a brief tutorial to get the Pythonista started with Kubernetes. Worth reading if you are new to the topic. So, you know you want to run your application in Kubernetes but don’t know where to start. Or maybe you’re getting started but still don’t know what you don’t know. In this blog…

  • SAP and AWS announce IoT interoperability

    Meanwhile, after Microsoft announced their cooperation with SAP in IoT with Leonardo, AWS also announced tighter integration with SAPs business processes. via aws.amazon.com/blogs

  • Sascha Lobo zersägt einen Tweet zur #vds

    Sascha Lobo äußert sich ausführlich zu dem Tweet des Baden-Württembergischen  SPD Innenminister Reinhold Gall. 

  • Happy Birthday, Fefes Blog

    Das Blog, das, neben Don Alphonso, radikaler als ein Salafisten Forum ist, und allen Internet-Nerds Medienkompetenz vermittelt, wird heute 10 Jahre alt. Fefes Blog.

  • Computing Now: Toward a Science of Security – IEEECS

    January Theme in Computing Now: Toward a Science of Security. via Computing Now Archive | January 2013