Tag: arrested

  • Chinese woman carrying malware arrested at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort

    In Mar-a-Lago, Donald Trump’s ganz eigenem Lieblings-Golfresort, ist eine Frau mit Malware auf einem USB Stick verhaftet worden. What a time to be alive. Es fehlt eigentlich nur noch, dass Sicherheitsdienste ausgebildete USB Spürhunde mitbringen. A worrisome development for the US Tweeter-in-Chief Source: Chinese woman carrying malware arrested at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort – The Verge

  • 49 suspected members of cybercriminal group arrested in Europe

    Don’t really want to have a category called “cyber”, but some of the headlines ask for it. The arrested persons are suspected of committing financial fraud through email scamming. That qualifies as “cyber”. via: 49 suspected members of cybercriminal group arrested in Europe