Category: Business & MBA

  • Photos: Graffiti targeting Amazon and Jeff Bezos illustrates animosity toward tech giant in Seattle – GeekWire

    Gegen Amazon wird hierzulande ja immer wieder mal gestreikt. In der Mutterstadt des Konzerns scheint der Protest mittlerweile entschieden tiefer in der Gesellschaft angekommen zu sein. Thematisiert werden dabei nicht alleine die Arbeitsbedingungen, sondern auch die Steuermoral des Internet-Versandhändlers. From Capitol Hill to Crown Hill, graffiti targeting the tech giant and the CEO is showing…

  • Culture eats Strategy for Breakfast

    “Culture eats Strategy for Breakfast” is a quote that is often attributed to Peter F. Drucker, but was apparently coined by Ford’s Mark Fields. Whoever said it, both have plenty of business acumen to take some credit for the thought behind it. There statement has lot of truth in it, looking into corporate structures. With the…

  • Corporate Open Source

    One concept that is under active discussion for the past decade or so but constantly being misunderstood. Open Source is often taken as a label for software downloaded from the internet, packages free of charge, components under a particular license filed under “Creative”. Often enough it’s misused for lower quality software, which reality has proven…

  • Change.

    Yesterday, a software engineer, also new to the organization, roughly told me the following. The way the organisation plans projects is so different to what he is used to as a software engineer. Planning projects with a horizon of 12 or even 24 months is something he says he just cannot wrap his head around.…

  • Lifelong Learning

    Lifelong Learning

    IEEE’s Educational Activities Committee (EAC) invited me for their regular meeting, that happens May 13th and 14th in Porto, Portugal. Me being there is to represent Action for Industry Committee (AfI). On first priority, the attendance is to foster inter-committee cooperation. However, one of the items we’d love to promote to industry, but to everybody else, is that…

  • On Digitalised Product Management

    Now the family left me here for the afternoon, I have some time to exercise blogging and put down a few thoughts on my recent job. To write in a cosy environment, a lit the fireplace at the house we are staying in. The result is as favourable as you may imagine. Only the missing bear fur could…

  • The code I’m still ashamed of

    The following came through my timelines a few days back. A guy feels guilty for what he did – as a programmer – when he was young. Basically he built a promotional website for a questionable medicaments. Apparently the drug has side effects of depression and suicidal thoughts. Only after his sister was prescribed the same medicaments,…

  • The most important skill for an entrepreneur? Money!

    The most important skill for an entrepreneur? Money!

  • Audi, BMW and Daimler buy

    William Boston of the Wall Street Journal comments on the acquisition of, formerly Nokia, by German car manufacturers Audi, BMW and Daimler. German auto makers Audi, BMW and Daimler have agreed in principle to purchase Nokia’s digital mapping service, called Nokia Here, for about $2.7 billion, according to a person familiar with the situation. via:…

  • Zielfindung

    Die Ziele, die ein Läufer sich setzen kann oder möchte, folgen im wesentlichen 2 Dimensionen. Das eine ist, am offensichtlichsten, die Geschwindigkeit, mit der er eine Distanz überwinden möchte. Alternativ kann das Ziel noch hinsichtlich der Distanz selbst verändert werden. Dazwischen gibt es die Option auf ein Ziel, das sich an beiden Dimensionen orientiert: Durchschnittsgeschwindigkeit…