Category: Business & MBA

  • Breaking Walls Between Business and Engineering

    All too often, two departments are burried in deep arguments for most of their days. While business, the outbound oriented Product Management department, leads customer conversations and verifies business requirements, engineering is pushing towards a better product. Their goals are not always aligned despite the necessity to build a product together. Overcoming controversial goals can…

  • Customer Relationship Management. Kundenbericht.

    Customer Relationship Management ist schon länger der am stärksten wachsende Software-Markt. Als Gewerbetreibender kommt man nicht umhin, sich mit dem Trend auseinanderzusetzen. Nur durch den Einsatz von Software kann man seinen Kunden besser verstehen und so sein Angebot verbessern. Heute möchte ich einmal kurz die andere Perspektive einnehmen, und eine kurze, aber mir sehr auffällige…

  • Tesla announces electric Pick-Up

    Tesla announced an electric ‘Cybertruck‘, at a low price, that has a long range. Meanwhile, the 2017 announced Semi Truck, starts production with ‘limited volumes‘.

  • Celonis Series C

    Celonis, a Munich and NY based AI Startup in process mining, raised $290M in Series C financing. The company is now valued at $2.5 Billion.

  • Former Munich Mayor Explains How Microsoft Hates Linux

    Christian Ude speaks in a new interview about what Microsoft did in Munich and elsewhere in Europe in order to undermine GNU/Linux and impose Microsoft Windows on everybody, together with all the spyware Microsoft provides for it (likely violation of privacy laws) Source: Former Mayor of Munich Explains How Microsoft Hates Linux | Techrights

  • Klimaanalyse: „Oktoberfest“

    Was für die Münchner unter den Lesern. Oktoberfest ‘produces 10 times as much methane as Boston’ Via The Guardian.

  • Raketenbahnhof in Deutschland

    BDI und Wirtschaftsminister Altmaier fordern einen Raketenbahnhof in Deutschland. Michael Büker schaut sich das auf Twitter einmal genauer an. Spoiler: Die Idee ist gar nicht so gut.

  • AWS hit by major DDoS attack

    DDoS is an annoyance not even the biggest Cloud is safe from. Apparently AWS’s Route 53 was affected and failed to resolve multiple DNS names over several hours. Parts of AWS were taken offline for hours Source: TechRadar. The newspage also has a reference of 2019’s best DDoS Protection.

  • Former SAP CEO Bill McDermott now ServiceNow CEO

    That was quick. When Bill McDermott announced he was stepping down as CEO at SAP a couple of weeks ago, it certainly felt like a curious move — but he landed on his feet pretty quickly. ServiceNow announced he would be taking over as CEO there. The transition will take place at year-end. Source: TechCrunch

  • Gmail Free Storage Thing of Past

    Nobody could see THAT coming! When people hit those caps, they realize they have little choice but to start paying, or risk losing access to emails, photos and personal documents. Source: Bloomberg