Category: Internet & Culture

  • From the corporate

    Excel is still the single most corporate productivity tool. And its still the most misuesd tool that keeps corporate going. summarised this abuse in a quick comic that in particular nerds can relate to. via.

  • Handlettering


    Wenn man sich mal an Kalligraphie versuchen möchte hat @welshpixie eine schöne Übung.

  • Cloud Exit.

    It may be I’m not blogging enough. There is an article on this blog where I was skeptical over the cloud and why companies would want to move there. Meanwhile, all the benefits have been proven by vendors, up to the point where the convenience became too expensive. At that point, KPMG started offering “Cloud…

  • Cyber-Recall

    “Website URL published on packaging has been compromised and contains explicit content unsuitable for children.” I am old enough to remember when the Internet and the web even more were the future. Now it’s a dystopian source of evil, leading to retailers recalling kids biscuits. via:

  • Titan(ic) Conspiracy

    Did you wait for a conspiracy theory over the lost submarine? Here it is!

  • A punch in the face

    Sombody needs that right into their face. Sometime repeatedly. threat actor = someone who wants to punch you in the face threat = the punch being thrown vulnerability = your inability to defend against the punch risk = the likelihood of getting punched in the faceacceptable risk = your willingness to be punched in the…

  • Wie KI Kreative überflüssig macht

    Wir haben in #labstalk schon wiederholt davon und mit Gästen darüber gesprochen. Seit Herbst vergangenen Jahres ist Generative AI in aller Munde. Die Meinungen der Debatte reichen weit auseinander. Es ist alles dabei von der besten Erfindung die die Menschheit jemals gemacht hat bis zu “wir werden alle sterben wenn die Maschine uns nicht duldet”.…

  • Meanwhile in Poland

  • Essential Device

    Technology fusion idea for the inclined nerd that already has everything and still craves innovation.

  • NVIDIA Broadcast with Eye Contact

    NVIDIA Broadcast with Eye Contact

    NVidia hat dann mal eine AI dazu verwendet, Leute in die Kamera schauen zu lassen. Automatisch, ohne dass Leute da wirklich hinschauen müssen. Wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe, ist das Technik die mit “Generative AI” vergleichbar ist, über die gerade alle reden. Das Ergebnis ist jedenfalls beeindruckend, in dem Video sogar noch sehr viel…