Category: Security & Privacy

  • Auth0: Log in to BTP with your social accounts.

    The recent acquisition of Okta (Auth0) caught my attention. Until last week, I didn’t know Auth0 beyond the libraries they provide for JWT. Upon further investigation, I was pleasantly surprised to discover that they are a company that was born in Argentina in 2013 and that their founders are passionate developers (When was the last…

  • DuckDuckGo calls out Google for spying on users.

    When Apple introduced labels in their app store to indicate which data an app would link to user information it created transparency for many. Only Google seemed to stop on moving forward and did not publish new versions of its apps. Until recently. Now that they are updated, DuckDuckGo, a search engine advocating privacy in…

  • CPU Flaws

    Remember Intel’s Spectre? Now Intel’s Core Ring-Interconnect can be exploited to extract encryption keys.

  • Cory Doctorow at #rC3

    What the cyberoptimists got wrong – and what to do about it

  • Sicherheitsalbtraum: Vernetzte Türklingeln 

    Vernetzte Türklingeln: Das Internet der Dinge liefert. Auch zu Weihnachten. Günstige digitale Videoklingeln weisen schwere Sicherheitslücken wie Authentifizierungsprobleme auf und werden teils schon mit Softwarefehlern geliefert. Aus dem Artikel.

  • Palantir founding member of Gaia-X

    Palantir is an US based company specialising in Big Data, with a very particular focus on decision making for governental and corporate situations. The companies products have inspiring names like Gotham or Metropolis and have sparked ethical controversies, when it comes to their usage. In particular these two products provides capabilities to military and police,…

  • EuGH: anlasslose Vorratsdatenspeicherung unzulässig

    Breaking: EuGH erklärt anlasslose Vorratsdatenspeicherung für unzulässig:

  • Facebook threatens to stop operations in EU

    Facebook threatens to stop operations in EU: Not so sure I’d understand it as a threat, if Facebook ceased operations in Europe. Me personally would’ve kicked the information sucking service and timesink to the youth out a while ago. Latest, when it became clear that Facebook is a pool of hatespeak, that nobody can or…

  • GAIA-X takes next steps

    Der Mitteilung des Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi) zu Folge haben heute je 11 deutsche und französische Gründungsmitglieder die notariellen Unterlagen zur Gründung einer “Association internationale sans but lucratif“, kurz AISBL, unterzeichnet. Es handelt sich dabei um eine “Vereinigung ohne Gewinnerzielungsabsicht”, einer belgischen Gesellschaftsform, die dem deutschen gemeinnützigen Verein vergleichbar ist. Sitz der Vereinigung…

  • For the security crowd

    AntiVirus is Snake Oil.