Category: Security & Privacy

  • DDoS attacks are getting easier

    Search CloudSecurity writes DDoS Attacks are becoming easier, cheaper, more frequent and more varied.

    Hybrid DDoS prevention emerges to counter variety of DDoS attacks.


  • Plenumstreffen Sicherheitsnetzwerk München

    Plenumstreffen 2015

    Des Sicherheitsnetzwerkes München.

    Am 22. Januar traf sich das Plenum des Sicherheitsnetzwerkes München.

    Agenda der Veranstaltung, die von Peter Möhring, Leiter der Geschäftsstelle, und Dr Kathrin Jaenicke, geleitet wurde, beinhaltete im wesentlichen den Rückblick auf das vergangene Jahr wie auch die Perspektive auf das kommende Jahr.

  • XSS with a book.

    In Safari Books.

  • Virtual Crime in Numbers

    Süddeutsche Zeitung, Januar 10, 2015

    Internet-related crime stats
    Internet-related crime stats

    “Sueddeutsche Zeitung” has an infographic on Internet related crimes. The numbers displayed are about services targeted by phishing, which is unsurprisingly lead by email, the number of malware circulating, monetary value of damages through criminal activity, most hacked passwords and finally origin of attacks.  Source for these numbers are quoted on the bottom right: Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik, Bundeskriminalamt, Kaspersky Lab and Deutsche Telekom.

  • Top Influencers in Security

    Tripwire has a recommendation of Security Influencers to follow in 2015, along with their Twitter handle. While I second all of the recommendations, it is particularily notable that 3 out of these 15 names work – or have worked – for Akamai. These guys are @BillBrenner70, @gattaca and @JOSHCORMAN. Every individual on the list had the opportunity to answer, which infosec-related superpower he would unlock, which makes the list a bit of an entertaining read, too.

    Top Influencers in Security You Should Be Following in 2015.


    Had this in my inbox yesterday:


  • Access Control Types

    1. Directive
    2. Deterrent
    3. Preventive
    4. Compensating
    5. Detective
    6. Corrective
    7. Recovery
  • EMail Protocols

    Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM): Uses Data Encryption Standard (DES) in the Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) Mode.

    Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (S/MIME): Uses the user’s encryption algorithm with RC2, DES, and 3DES for confidentiality.

    Pretty Good Privacy (PGP): Uses the International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA) for encryption of bulk data.

  • Data Link Layer Protocols

    Synchronous data link control / SDLC: supports loop or hub go-ahead configuration used with bounded and unbounded media.

    High Level Data Link Control / HDLC: Provides an option for a 32bit checksum, maintains data integrity, and provides flow control.

    Link access procedure balanced / LAPB: Performs packet framing operations, using I-, S- and U-frames.

  • WAN Protocol Characteristics

    Frame Relay

    • Provides point to point connections by creating virtual circuit paths.
    • Forwards frames and performs error check only at the end points.


    • Is designed to operate over unreliable network lines
    • works with the physical, data link and network layers of the OSI model.