Mit Datum vom 11. April ist das alles noch recht neu. Aber ein weiteres Zeichen dafür, dass Green- bzw. Sustainable Computing an Aufmerksamkeit gewinnt. Jedenfalls hat die W3C Community Group einen Draft Report entwickelt, der eine Guideline für Web Development bieten soll.
Gegenüber dem Artikel aus dem W3C Blog, den ich neulich verlinkt habe, bespricht die Guideline nicht nur Web-Development und User-Experience Design. In dem Entwurf wird auch Produkt-Management berücksichtigt.
Ever since IEEE has been organised into regions by geography. While at first thought the idea serves a global organisation well, the distribution has been questionable for the same period of time. For those readers not being members of IEEE: Region 1-6 are all located in the United States, whereas Region 7 and 9 are at least on the same continent. Canada finds itself in a Region (7) and South-America are organised in Region 9.
China, Southeast Asia and Australia are gathered under Region 10.
That leaves the “Rest of World” to Region 8. 56 countries gather in this organisation, spanning from South Africa to Norway, from UK and Ireland to Russia and all of the Middle East.
For any volunteer, this makes an interesting setting: having the opportunity to meet most diverse cultural backgrounds and the ability to exchange with most interesting markets, all on the one hand.
To bridge these timezones and cultural backgrounds makes decision making difficult for most of the time. Any new initiative require deep embedding of any individuals in the organisation to know the preferences and navigate the complex networks that evolved over time.
Region 8 includes 15 timezones
Discussions are underway about dividing and merging regions
Quote from IEEE Spectrum
The discussions are at least as old as my first involvement with Region 8. With IEEE Spectrum reporting about tendencies to reconfigure the setup, this may have more meat than only disgruntled volunteers ranting about the necessity.
Nach “DeMail” mit privaten Anbietern: Das elektronische Bürger- und Organisationenpostfach (eBO) soll ab dem 1. Januar 2022 als weiterer „sicherer Übermittlungsweg“ für elektronischen Rechtsverkehr starten.
So wie sich mir das darstellt, setzt eBP kostenpflichtige Software kommerzieller Anbieter voraus und bedeutet mehrere hundert Euro Kosten für Unternehmen, aber auch private Teilnehmer.
Dank fehlender Standards kann das elektronische Bürger- und Organisationspostfach mit keinerlei Netzwerkeffekten rechnen. Reichweite beim Start wird daher gleich null sein, eine schnelle Adoption ist nicht zu erwarten.
Technical University Munich Institute for Ethics in Artificial Intelligence launches a speaker series to bring experts from all over the world to Munich and talk about Ethics and Governance for Artificial Intelligence. The Series kicks off with an Inaugural Session with Lionel P. Robert on December 13 – 10:00 am – 11:30 am.
TUM Institute for Ethics in Artificial Intelligence
With its new Speaker Series, the TUM Institute for Ethics in Artificial Intelligence is bringing experts from all over the world to Munich to talk about Ethics and Governance of […]
The past weekend I traveled internationally to work with colleagues on another continent. I’m a lucky volunteering member of IEEE, and so I reached out to the community before I jumped on my flight.
Turns out I have friends in this city, and so I spent a whole afternoon learning about the city and the eventualities it brings along.
Both my old friend and me agreed throughout our conversation that networking is an important activity, and having built an extensive network is an enormous asset.
While IEEE is only one opportunity to meet people, it is a solid recommendation for engineers to actually pick up this activity in first place, even though it may not seem obvious at the beginning of the individual career. Working with and knowing many people is all too often underestimated and need strong soft skills. But even those can be trained, just like engineering can be tought.